Are acrylic mirror sheets good?

Acrylic mirror sheets are highly effective for a wide range of applications due to their clear, reflective, and non-toxic nature. Their durability, ease of installation, and ability to be cut and shaped according to the client’s needs make them a popular choice for many industries, including advertising, furniture, decor, and automotive applications. Additionally, they are…

Why Choose Plastic mirror sheet?

Light Weight: When you compare the strength of materials that plastic can replace it is surprisingly lightweight. Strength: We supply plastics such as Acrylic mirror sheet, that are made to withstand hurricane-force winds and can even stop a bullet! Visual Aesthetic: They can have different visual qualities applied to them such as being translucent/transparent, or…

Acrylic Mirror Sheet

Acrylic mirror sheet, benefiting from being lightweight, impact, shatter-resistant, less expensive and more durable than glass, our acrylic mirror sheets can be used as an alternative to traditional glass mirrors for many applications and industries. Like all acrylics, our acrylic mirror sheets can be easily cut, drilled, formed fabricated and laser etched. Short Description Acrylic…

The PS mirror sheet

PS mirror sheet, benefiting from being lightweight, impact, less expensive and more durable than glass, our PS mirror sheets can be used as an alternative to traditional glass mirrors for many applications and industries. Like all PS, our PS mirror sheets can be easily cut, drilled, formed fabricated . Our mirror sheets come in a…

The reasons for the deformation of acrylic lenses

The reasons for the deformation of acrylic lenses 水垢原因:镜子越薄,镜子尺寸越大,越容易变形。这就是亚克力的特性,通过适当的增加和尺寸可以有效避免变形。 安装原因:安装时确保后壁平整。避免亚克力镜出现倾斜、凹陷等问题。镜面越薄,伪装效果越明显。 环保原因:亚克力是一种热塑性塑料。长时间在高温下使用会导致镜面严重变形。亚克力的变形温度为100℃,连续使用温度不能高于90℃。 保湿:亚克力材料本身含有极性侧甲基,具有明显的吸湿性。吸湿率为0.3%-0.4%。吸湿后,镜面膨胀变形。因此,亚克力镜在潮湿的环境下使用时更容易变形。 综上所述,亚克力镜片的变形可能是由规模、安装、环境、吸湿性等多种因素造成的。为了减少变形,在设计产品时可适当增加厚度和尺寸,保证安装时墙面平整,避免长期放置或长期处于潮湿的环境中。

Are plastic mirrors useful?

It is certainly possible to use acrylic mirrors in some applications, but there are limitations to their use. These mirrors can be lighter and more durable than traditional glass mirrors, making them a good choice for outdoor use in areas where glass could be easily broken, such as on a boat or in a public…