Acrylic mirror plate processing method

1, chainsaw cutting process This time we usually receive orders from customers, it is necessary to cut for the size of the product in the customer’s drawings, we usually call this cutting for open material, according to the customer’s requirements using a cutting machine to cut out the required size. 2, laser cutting process Laser…

Precautions for using acrylic mirror

1. Acrylic mirror cannot be stored together with organic substances Acrylic lens is a kind of organic glass lens and an organic substance. Organic substances and organic substances stored together will have similar and compatible principles. Therefore, acrylic mirror cannot be stored together with other organic solvents and cannot contact organic solvents. Acrylic mirror are…

How to Hang Your Acrylic Mirror

How to Hang Your Acrylic Mirror When hanging a mirror, it is important that you take into account the reflection the mirror will cast from this spot. If hung opposite windows, the mirror will reflect light into the room. Avoid hanging where it will reflect glare from the ceiling or light fixtures. A general rule…

What can you use instead of a mirror?Door acrylic mirror

What can you use instead of a mirror?Door acrylic mirror A major reason why people look for mirror alternatives is the lack of space. If you find insufficient space for hanging mirrors in your room, you should get door acrylic mirror. Door acrylic mirror are one of the most convenient mirrors because they don’t require…

Are acrylic mirrors any good?

Acrylic mirrors are 17 times stronger than glass, meaning they can withstand and survive greater impacts, such as bangs, collisions or crashes well. Its strength makes acrylic mirror ideal for use where safety is a priority or where glass may crack or shatter

Are acrylic mirrors any good?

Safer and More Resilient Than Glass Acrylic mirrors are 17 times stronger than glass, meaning they can withstand and survive greater impacts, such as bangs, collisions or crashes well. Its strength makes acrylic mirror ideal for use where safety is a priority or where glass may crack or shatter.